Executive Committee
President | Frank Van Breugel, CTech |
1st Vice-President | Troy Libke, PTech |
2nd Vice-President | Dave Lenz, PTech |
Past President | Doug Helmeczi, PTech |
CEO/Registrar | Jaime Feltis, PTech |
Heath Armbruster, PTech |
Colleen Glover, CTech |
Betty Hoffart, FCPA, FCMA |
Tricia Pollock, PTech |
Roland Rusnell, PTech |
Scott Schultz, CAIB |
The governing body of the Association is a Board of Directors elected by registered professionals at the Annual Meeting.
The Board of Directors consists of the President, Past President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents, and a minimum of three Directors. Two public representatives are appointed by the Legislature for a one year or a three year term.
The CEO of Technology Professionals Saskatchewan is responsible for management and administration of Association affairs.