In accordance with Technology Professionals Saskatchewan's Code of Ethics and Practice Guidelines, Technology Professionals Saskatchewan members must have proper regard for the physical environment and the safety, health and well-being of the public in the execution of their duties as registered professional members.
As a self-regulating professional association, Technology Professionals Saskatchewan reviews the academic and experiential qualifications of individuals who apply for membership prior to granting a professional designation. Members must be employed in the discipline in which they are academically trained, and are responsible for keeping their technical knowledge current.
In carrying out its duties under Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Act the Association ensures public safety with a responsibility to guarantee the qualifications of members, protect against the misuse of professional designations, and exercise disciplinary and legal action to ensure competence of Technology Professionals Saskatchewan members. Please contact the Technology Professionals Saskatchewan Registrar to file a complaint and mark all correspondence CONFIDENTIAL.
Self-Regulating Professions
Although the provincial government remains ultimately responsible for public safety and well-being, it entrusts this responsibility to professional self-regulatory associations such as Technology Professionals Saskatchewan.
Technology Professionals Saskatchewan's commitment to protect the public interest is evident in our responsibilities under the Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Act, some of which include:
- prescribing the qualifications standards and tests of competency for the registration of persons or any category of persons as members
- prescribing the procedures governing registration of persons or any category of persons as members
- setting standards of professional conduct, competency and proficiency of members
- providing for a code of ethics for members
- promoting professional development assurance
- governing the approval of education programs for the purposes of registration pursuant to the Saskatchewan Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Act and prescribing terms and conditions for initial and continued approval of those programs
- administering a complaint, investigation and discipline processes